Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Solving the "Freshdownload could not take over the download! Click back to return to normal mode" Mozilla Firefox Issue

This morning, after installing Flashget 1.73 and and the Firefox plugin/addon called Flashgot, I kept on receiving an annoying message saying "freshdownload could not take over the download! Click back to return to normal mode". I googled around and I managed to solve it. So here goes...

If you receive that annoying message, try to solve it by using this method:

1. Close your Firefox
2. Go inside your Firefox directory (default dir C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox)
3. Go inside the Firefox plugins directory (default dir C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins)
4. Delete a ".dll" file that contains fd in it (usually the file is npfd.dll or fdplugin.dll)

You might be asking, why do I hafta delete the dll file that contains fd in it? The answer is, that is the Fresh Download plugin and it's preventing you to download in the normal way.

If you got the Fresh Download program installed, try to uninstall it first then follow the method above or you can go here .


Tauseef Khan said...

Worked for me thanks.

! said...

Worked for me as well.

One thing I thought was funny, that my problem was with Google Chrome.

Derricob said...

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I was having this issue with Google Chrome and Firefox. It solved it with both browsers. You're awesome